H H2: Hydrogen.
HSE (Health, Safety and Environment): Defines all measures taken by Technip Energies to guarantee the occupational health and safety of individuals and the protection of the environment during the performance of its business activities, whether in offices or on construction sites.
Hydrogen: Hydrogen is widely used in petroleum refining processes to remove impurities found in crude oil such as sulfur, olefins and aromatics to meet the product fuels specifications. Removing these components allows gasoline and diesel to burn cleaner and thus makes hydrogen a critical component in the production of cleaner fuels needed by modern, efficient internal combustion engines.
I ISO 14001: An ISO standard dealing with environmental management systems.
K KPI: Key Performance Indicator.
L LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas): Natural gas, liquefied by cooling its temperature to -162°C, thus reducing its volume 600 times, allowing its transport by boat.
LTI: Lost Time Injury.
LTIR: Lost Time Injury Rate. LTIR = Number of Lost Time Injury Incidents (LTI) x 200,000 / Worked hours.
O OPEX: Operating expenses company's day-to-day expenses.
P PET: Polyethylene Terephthalate.
Petrochemicals: Industry relating to chemical compounds derived from hydrocarbons.
PTA: Purified Terephthalic Acid.
Pulse: A program aiming to develop a positive HSE culture through leadership and communication.
PX: Paraxylen.
Q QHSES: Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and Security.
S SA8000 (Social Accountability 8000): An international certification standard that encourages organizations to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace, developed by Social Accountability International (SAI).
SAF: Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
SBTi: The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement.
STEM: Stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; it is a broad term used to group together these academic disciplines.
T TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
TPS: Technology, Products and Services.
TRIR: Total Recordable Incident Rate. TRIR = Total number of Recordable Cases (RC) x 200,000 / Worked hours.
U UN Global Compact: International initiative of the United Nations, launched in 2000. It unites public and private businesses around 10 universal principles relating to human rights, labor and the environment.
UN SDG: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
W Waste valorized: Waste reused, recycled, composted, and recovery (including energy recovery).
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