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JFB D ate : 18/03/2020
What does Human Rights cover and how is this translated into Technip Energies operations?
Venus Maroun-Valette (VMV): Human Rights encompass a broad range of topics, these cover the prohibition of any form of child and forced labor, discrimination and harassment in all forms, while promoting ethical recruitment practices and fair working conditions, the respect of freedom of association and collective bargaining, a healthy, secure and safe working environment and the availability of employee grievance mechanisms. Since Human Rights involve many aspects of our operations, it is a topic that is handled by different functions. We have defined our overall policy by engaging with internal and external stakeholders.
Fabio Goj (FG): We follow a risk-based approach to assess where our operations face the highest risks from a Human Rights perspective. We address those risks through appropriate mitigation measures. For selected projects, we define specific actions to mitigate any concerns which includes among other things, dedicated KPIs to be implemented and reported regularly. We establish a clear set of terms and conditions in our contracts from the outset.
In addition, we have a continuous improvement mindset and keep on working at enhancing our compliance program.
Most importantly, the management sets the tone from the top, including from a compliance standpoint.
How do you measure progress and monitor changes in the Human Rights landscape?
VMV: Our ESG Roadmap includes a clear action plan with qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess our performance. All high-risk projects will have a Human Rights Management System including due diligence and audit processes by 2025.
In addition, we are encouraging suppliers to join us in our ESG journey with the creation of ESG councils as defined in our ESG Roadmap.
This is still a learning journey, and we, like our clients, partners, investors and all our other stakeholders, including the communities where we work, expect high standards when it comes to Human Rights. Meeting this challenge is how we will move forward and be true to our beliefs.
What are the industry standards and how does Technip Energies compare?
FG: It can be difficult for companies across a sector to establish a common set of metrics since there are many different norms and standards. We are members of the Steering Committee of Building Responsibly, an organization of leading companies that promote Human Rights and welfare of workers in construction and engineering. It is an interactive forum and we re closely involved in the definition of standards and the development of tools to support the industry supply chain.
Technip Energies Italy is certified to the SA8000 Standard to manifest its commitment to basic human values in the workplace. These requirements are embedded into its project management process and apply on major projects such as the Midor refinery expansion project in Egypt, the Assiut refinery project in Egypt and the Neste Singapore expansion project.
The SA8000 Standard is the leading social certification, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions. It also respects, complements, and supports national labor laws around the world, and currently helps secure ethical working conditions worldwide. Technip Energies Italy is audited on a quarterly basis by an external and independent third party approved by Social Accountability International (SAI).
Neste HRDD program Technip Energies Italy is a long-term partner for Neste. In line with our commitment to promote workers rights in our operations as per SA8000 standard certification, we have been asked by Neste to produce and manage a social monitoring program on the project supply chain, as well as a site grievance mechanism, on the Neste Singapore Expansion Project.
Technip Energies Italy supported Neste to implement a Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) program at client construction site to ensure the respect for Human Rights during the execution phase. Despite the scale of work and challenges related to the pandemic, Neste was very satisfied on how Technip Energies Italy executed the assigned scope of work. The HRDD program was an important occasion for Technip Energies Italy and Neste to cooperate in promoting Human Rights protection on construction sites. Most recently, Technip Energies Italy has been asked to implement the same HRDD program and activities on Neste construction site in Rotterdam.
Case Study
Technip Energies Sustainability Report 2021 . 79