Ensure a safe connection of the marine loading arm to the ship manifold even in very harsh environments

- No risk of clash between MLA and ship manifold
- MLA freely guided on the connecting cable and centered on the receiving spool
- Field proven design with 20 years of operational feedback
High operability
- Size typically 12” to 16”
- Connection feasible in harsh environment up to HS=2,5
- Easy connection/disconnection
ARCOS – Articulated Rigid Catenary Offloading System
A unique combination of rigid and flexible performance for LNG transfer
Designed for LNG transfer from FSRU/FSU/FLNG to LNGC, transshipment or permanent connection up to an Hs = 1.5 m
- Enhanced flow performance
- Faster operations with 40% time saving vs. flexible solutions
- Competitive CAPEX and OPEX
- Minimized lifting and bolting
- Enhanced connection in dynamic conditions
- SIL 2 ESD capabilities
- 3 lines / 3 ERS
- Light, removable, easy storage
- Reliable with field-proven loading arm components
- Transportable in ISO container
Video of Loading Systems ARCOS
OLAF – Offshore Loading Arm Footless
A unique marine loading arm design to reach the smallest carriers

Designed for side-by-side transfer connection when the elevation difference between FLNG & LNGC decks exceeds 8m. (e.g. Shell Prelude FLNG)
ATOL – Tandem Articulated Offshore Loader
A full rigid transfer solution for tandem connection

- Full rigid transfer system allowing LNG transfer up to Hs of 5.5 m
- Offloading rate up to 16,000 m3/h of LNG flow rate with 20" full bore product lines
- Use of field proven components only: Constant motion swivel joints, ERS and hQC/DC
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