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CCUS industry solutions

As a global leader in CCUS, we understand the unique challenges each sector and market face on the journey to net zero.

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We offer tailored CCUS solutions for any industry. Capture the benefits of decarbonization. Now.

Scalable, proven and affordable, our integrated CCUS solutions enable many industries, at any size, to decarbonize. Now.

From initial advice and operational support to valorizing your captured CO2, we combine reliable design and leading technologies with more than 60 years of gas processing expertise. We add value at every stage of your decarbonization journey, powering the energy transition for a better world. Now.

Domestic Power and Utilities

Capture the power market for greener energy
domestic power image with Technip Energies and Carbon Capture Alliance Teesside

As the world transitions to renewable, low-carbon energy sources, cleaner fossil fuel power will be essential in meeting the world’s energy security and needs. Capture the opportunity to decarbonize your operations. Now.

We are already delivering world-class CCUS projects for power generation at pace and at scale such as Net Zero Teesside Power in the UK and Calpine Baytown (2Mtpa CO2 avoided) in Texas. We understand the challenges of developing reliable, large-scale carbon capture for a range of flue gases and successful integration of the capture plant into both new build and existing power generation facilities.

Our project management and global construction execution excellence allows us to develop the right solution at the right price. From initial funding advice and development planning to full EPC, we do it right the first time for every power generation project.

Waste-to-energy and biomass

Capture low-carbon energy from waste
waste to energy ccus image

Energy from waste is a win. Low-carbon energy from waste is a win-win. Capture the opportunity to minimize COand make a positive contribution to the circular economy within the communities you support. Now.

We understand the dynamics of waste-to-energy economics and the competing need to provide cleaner energy and maintain your license to operate.  We leverage standardized approaches and a productized range of solutions to deliver fast-track, de-risked results for smaller emitters.

We’re currently involved in one of the largest energy-from-waste CCUS projects in the world, the Vestforbraending WtE CO2 Capture, which we have supported from the earliest conceptual stages. So let us use our track record and expertise to add value at every step of your decarbonization journey.


Capture the opportunity for low-carbon construction solutions
Cement image for ccus pages

The market for lower-carbon construction products is growing at pace. Meet the demands of your customers, remain competitive, and participate in the low-carbon projects that matter to your business. Now.

We understand that changing to alternative energy sources and other decarbonization approaches can only go so far in reducing COfrom cement production. That’s why our integrated CCUS solutions can help cement manufacturers manage all types of carbon both native and fuel combustion generated. We are a multi-technology solution provider and deliver flexible solutions to fit your needs and facility size.

We work with you to identify forward approaches to utilize or transport and store CO2 safely at the lowest possible cost.

Natural gas and LNG

Capture the opportunity for low-carbon LNG
LNG Natural Gas for CCUS pages

Natural gas and LNG are essential to the world’s energy security. That’s why minimizing GHG emissions during production is such an important option.

We deliver world premier projects for gas and LNG with integrated CCUS solutions such as Qatar Energy North Field East and North Field South projects, allowing our clients to maintain their development portfolios and minimize CO2 emissions.

Leveraging our 60-year heritage in gas processing, we understand the challenges of large-scale carbon capture projects both onshore and offshore. Combining extensive expertise, project execution excellence and leading technologies, our solutions improve your LNG and natural gas operations to pave the way to greener energy.

We will show you how to accelerate projects, realize the decarbonization opportunities of your asset and ensure your business participates in the drive to net zero, delivering a more sustainable future. Now.

Low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia

Capture the opportunity for low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia
Low carbon hydrogen image for ccus

Essential to the creation of a sustainable future, low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia will play a critical role in decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors such as heavy industry, power generation, shipping and aviation.

BlueH₂ by T.EN™ presents a full suite of decarbonized, optimum solutions for low-carbon hydrogen and syngas production, allowing you to develop the building blocks for your low-carbon energy objectives. Realizing up to 99 percent reduction in carbon footprint compared with traditional hydrogen processes, our robust solutions are deployed at some the world’s largest low-carbon hydrogen developments such as in ExxonMobil Baytown facility (7Mtpa CO2 avoided). As part of it, together with our partner Casale, we jointly offer cutting-edge ATR-based solutions to decarbonize low-carbon hydrogen market with a 99% carbon capture rate.

With our extensive history and market leadership in hydrogen, we are delivering proven low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia projects integrated with CCUS solutions, at pace and at any scale for every application.

Ethylene and petrochemicals

Capture the opportunity of decarbonizing ethylene
Ethylene Decarbonization, a carbon capture solution image

The market for more sustainable petrochemical products is rapidly growing. Rise to the challenge and participate in a decarbonized future for ethylene and petrochemicals. Now.

Our expertise is helping ethylene plant operators improve energy efficiency and meet their net-zero targets through various decarbonization methods. We have worked on a variety of large-scale carbon capture assessments for ethylene facilities, which can be deployed alongside complementary carbon reduction strategies.

With a leading portfolio of CCUS solutions and decades of experience in ethylene plant design and operation, we understand how to integrate our proven and affordable CCUS solutions and technologies into your existing or planned facility at the lowest cost and in the shortest time. As an example, we are developing the Borouge 4 steam cracker in Abu Dhabi, designed to accommodate a CCS unit. Let us help you achieve your carbon reduction objectives efficiently and at any scale as we deliverhigh-value products to the global market.


Capture lower-carbon refining operations
Refining for CCUS

As the world transitions to a sustainable future, refining operations will need necessary to reduce global CO2 emissions from industrial sources. Take the opportunity to meet your net-zero commitments profitably and lead the race to decarbonize. Now.

From reformers to boilers and gas turbines, refining operations contain multiple CO2 emission sources. We understand the challenges of creating simple, effective decarbonization strategies for refineries, and our integrated CCUS* solutions, including ​BlueH2 by T.EN™,​ are a key part of the toolkit for facilitating lower-emission refining.

With extensive know-how and experience in pre- and post-combustion capture solutions, we can develop affordable approaches to lower COfrom your asset and maintain profitable production such as for TotalEnergies REF2023 and La Mède or Bapco refinery. Let us help you achieve your decarbonization goals - efficiently, at scale and at value – to build the foundations of a better world.

Lead the low-carbon race. Now.

Find out how we can help you reach your COreduction goals faster, at any scale, with real commercial value.

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