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Delivering sustainable alternatives for global energy transition

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Driving the biofuels market with expertise and technology

Biofuels play an important role in energy transition and decarbonization providing a sustainable solution for transportation, electricity generation and heating.

Due to changing public policies, increased government incentives and growing consumer demand, biofuel projects have become an advanced solution for low-carbon energy, drawing the attention of transportation, and as a source for electricity generation. Fuels, such as bioethanol and sustainable aviation fuel offer greenhouse gas emissions reduction by more than 80 percent.

Technip Energies has the know-how and experience to deliver biofuels production projects as sustainable clean energy alternatives. From feasibility studies and basic design to front-end engineering design (FEED) and full EPC phase execution, we offer solutions that get the job done.

End-to-end project management

Our engineering and end-to-end project management expertise applies directly to the biofuels market, particularly for biorefineries.

We offer a wide range of services and proprietary and partnership-based technologies, including sustainable aviation fuel and biodiesel production technologies as well as first- and second-generation ethanol processes. We have extensive experience in the design and construction of bioethanol plants.

By leveraging our position as a market leader in refinery engineering, we provide our clients the experience to support their biofuels projects from concept and basic design, including CAPEX estimates, to engineering and EPC phase project delivery.

We work with our clients from start to finish to successfully deliver biofuel projects as clean energy solutions. 

Proprietary or licensed Biofuels technologies

Innovation in Biofuels production

Proprietary technologies

  • Hummingbird® (ethanol to ethylene) Ethanol (1G) generation process

Other licensed technologies

  • Enerkem waste-to-biofuel
  • Renewable fuels HVO production technologies​
  • Ethanol (2G) generation process​
  • BTG bioliquids fast pyrolysis oil
  • Alcohol-to-jet pathway for SAF and biodiesel in collaboration with LanzaJet in combination with own Hummingbird® technology

Proven experience in biofuels for the transition to clean energy

  • Proven experience in executing all types of refinery and biofuel plants worldwide, including the world’s largest biofuels/SAF plants
  • Leading design and complete engineering capabilities
  • Full project management and EPC phase project delivery capabilities
  • Ability to execute due diligence regarding advanced biofuels projects (second generation)
  • In-house technologies for bioethanol and ethanol-to-ethylene production
  • Collaborative licensing for variousbiofuel technologies to deliver sustainable transportation fuels
  • Collaboration with leading sustainable aviation fuel producers to reduce emissions (including Neste, LanzaJet)
  • Strategic investment in United Airlines Ventures Sustainable Flight Fund to advance SAF development
Sustainable Chemistry (1:29)

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