In 2023, Technip Energies embarked on an exciting annual tradition celebrating Technology Day on October 19th. This global event marks a significant yearly milestone in the company's engagement agenda. Rooted in the essence of knowledge-sharing and collaboration, Technology Day highlights the technical and innovative technologies within Technip Energies and our company’s quest for excellence.
Technology Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it's a day dedicated to celebrating and reinforcing technical expertise, to echo to Technical Expertise Program that fuels Technip Energies' growth.
Our Technical Expertise program was created to recognize our technical experts who have demonstrated outstanding expertise in a technical field. Our objective is to build a network of more than 450 technical experts and strategically connect them to each other, the businesses and their colleagues who need their expertise, thus facilitating knowledge exchange and nurturing a learning culture.
This knowledge exchange network is crucial in continuing to nurture our learning culture as we engineer a sustainable future together.
In 2023, we have launched a new selection of experts assessing their technical mastering impact, business impact, industry leadership and people development impact with a specific focus on energy transition disciplines to align with our strategic direction. New disciplines like Bio Plastics, Sustainable fuel or Low Carbon H2 have been introduced in the selection.
As Technip Energies paves the way towards a sustainable future, this program serves as a powerful testament to our unwavering commitment to technical excellence and comprehensive growth.