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Breaking Boundaries #4 - “The only limit to a woman who dares is the sky”


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“The only limit to a woman who dares is the sky”: Prema Suresh, Director of Mumbai Operating Center.

Growing up in Southern India, Prema was the first woman in her family to become an engineer, leaving her local area of Chennai in the early 1990s and embarking on an extremely successful engineering career, becoming Director of our Mumbai Operating Center in 2019. Prema has been constantly adapting to cultural and technological change, balancing career and family life, relishing every opportunity and never giving up!

In this episode, Prema also encourages women to take on opportunities that come their way and not shy away from prioritizing themselves and aspiring to the top. She offers her vision on how the industry can better support women engineers to reach top roles.

Join Prema in conversation with our host Talumba Katawala in this fourth episode of Breaking Boundaries.