International Women’s Day on March 8 is important for many reasons. It helps us recognize the vital contribution women make to our success. And it reminds us to keep pushing forward on diversity.

Magali Castano, Senior Vice President, People & Culture, explained: “Our new ESG roadmap sets out our objectives in this area. These build on what we’ve already achieved.”
There are two main targets with related KPI’s:
- 50 percent of women hiring on yearly graduate intake
- Women in 25 percent of our leadership roles by the end of 2025.
Magali said: “I’m proud to say we reached that first goal in 2021 when exactly 50 percent of our intake were young women.”
Overall, 27 percent of our current workforce is women. That’s above the industry average, which is approximately 22 percent.
“The key to success is in recruitment, internal development and promotion of women,” Magali added. “When there are openings at senior level we want to have at least one female candidate.”
Work is already under way to identify talented women and create a relevant sponsorship and mentoring program. At Executive level, until recently Magali was the only woman in our Executive Committee (ExCom). Now, she is accompanied by Wei Cai, our Chief Technology Officer and Laure Mandrou, SVP Carbon-Free Solutions who has recently joined us as part of the extended ExCom.
As part of our overall efforts, our ESG roadmap outlines our continuing commitment to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) actions and initiatives. To raise the profile of STEM among young girls and women we encourage local action and STEM activities for students of all ages.
Magali concluded: “Our pioneering spirit around the energy transition and digitalization set us apart and will help us attract and retain women. To make sure we’re on the right track, progress will be monitored and published every year.”