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Achieving at scale for Net Zero Teesside Power

We’re supporting BP in the design and development of the world’s first commercial scale gas-fired power station with carbon capture and storage.

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The Carbon Capture Alliance are supporting BP make it real at Net Zero Teesside Power, working for a cleaner, lower carbon energy future.

Net Zero Teesside Power’s electricity generating station with CCS will power up to 1.3 million homes and capture up to two million tonnes of CO2 a year. This CO2 is to be exported and stored via the Northern Endurance Partnership carbon transportation and storage infrastructure. Technip Energies is a leading member of the Carbon Capture Alliance, which is an alliance formed of Technip Energies, GE Vernova and Balfour Beatty, supported by Shell in the UK. Throughout the process of FEED and EPC tendering, the Carbon Capture Alliance has been working to make NZT Power a commercial reality, with the Final Investment Decision targeted for Q1 2024. NZT Power will enable greater deployment of renewable energy such as wind and solar by providing flexible, dispatchable low carbon electricity generation which secures reliable power to the grid in conjunction with intermittent renewables. This leads the way in supporting the UK government’s commitment to fully decarbonise the power system in the UK by 2035. 

Key numbers


to UK economy to 2050


Power to 1.3 million homes

2 mtpa

of CO2 to be captured


jobs during construction


Capturing opportunity with a first-of-its-kind power station.

Gas-fired power at commercial scale is a new area for carbon capture with Net Zero Teesside Power set to be a world class example. NZT Power is a new-build facility, which must successfully integrate the combined cycle gas turbine generating electricity in dispatchable operation with a highly efficient carbon capture plant. This world-first application at scale leverages the best of global technology and expertise while meeting expectations on UK content and social values.

Additional challenges of this project involve the requirement for a synergistic solution with the wider Northern Endurance Partnership network and site integration within the Teesside industrial area and surrounding communities.


Net Zero Teesside Case Study image

Tackling low CO2 concentrations with Shell CANSOLV CO2 Capture Technology.

Gas-fired power stations typically produce flue gas with very dilute concentrations of CO2, which many carbon capture technologies are unable to accommodate. Technip Energies worked with our long-term alliance partner Shell to apply their CANSOLV® CO2 Capture Technology to the NZT Power development. Shell CANSOLV® is an amine-based capture technology well-proven to manage the challenges presented by low CO2 concentration flue gases with successful technology performance demonstrated in the design process.

As amine-based capture technologies utilize heat to regenerate the solvent, optimum energy integration with the new power plant design has been critical to successful technology deployment. 


Working as a team for smart solutions.

In partnership with Shell CANSOLV®, the CCA has developed an advanced integrated solution that provides a facility that is easy to operate while optimizing the balance between capital and operating expenditures. The CCA has used innovative approaches to maintain a low-carbon project with the successful integration of commercial-scale CCS technology with gas-fired power.

The project team has closely managed the requirements of the wider Northern Endurance Partnership transportation and storage project, to enable the CO2 to be successfully sequestered. Captured CO2 from the power station is first conditioned and compressed before entering the pipeline system. The NZT Power project then feeds into the wider Northern Endurance Partnership gathering network, which connects to CO2 injection wells located at the offshore Endurance reservoir at a 100m water depth in the UK Central North Sea. 


Boosting UK’s economy and low-carbon energy future.

The NZT Power project will generate 3,000 to 4,000 UK jobs during construction, power about 1.3 million homes and contribute £3.5 billion to the economy by 2050. The project is expected to capture up to 2 mtpa CO2,  bringing the UK closer to using CCS as a successful tool against climate change and demonstrating that carbon capture can become a practical solution for large-scale power generation.  

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